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About me

about me up

Carlota H. Watson

Original from Spain, born in Barcelona, raised in Seville, I moved to Edinburgh in 2013 after falling in love with the place when I came to visit two years earlier.


Spent my childhood surrounded by Lego, drawing and playing video-games. Always needed to express myself artistically, so studying Photography, and Scenic Art helped it a bit. But it wasn’t until I started studying Interactive Design when I found the piece that made me feel completed.


Since finishing university back in 2013 I have been based in Edinburgh, working as freelance graphic and UI/UX designer. I was delighted to be part of The Warehouse Sound Services since November 2015 to 2017, and also participated in the development of some interesting projects for The Loft Creative Solutions design agency in Glasgow around the same time. I also had a great opportunity to take a step forwards adding up many useful skills working for the incredible company Changeworks, doing graphic design, motion graphics and video production, my main passions.


I'm currently working as a Design & Multimedia Officer for YouthLink Scotland, creating amazing publications and content for their different projects and departments, doing branding for the upcoming projects and trying to spice things up a bit with motion graphics.


Apart from design, my main hobbies are documenting my trips around the world with video for my YouTube channel. This allows me to both document my memories whilst still giving an outlet for my creative side in the editing process.

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